Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Afghanistan's Silent Enemy

Many people is almost convinced that United States, Imperialist, New world Order or however they may like to name it, is currently occupying Afghanistan. Personally I do not know if this is truth or not. What I do know is that many more like me are in this place not to occupy it or extend US dominance. We are here in an effort to assist this country become self sufficient.

Many of us would rather be with our families and close to our friends and love ones, we do not have a burning desire to be here, we are here because we believe that as long as there is justice and fairness in the world, our love ones could get to enjoy the same without fear to violence or suffering caused by other people intolerance.

I've seen firsthand how not only US personnel but NATO, encourages Afghans to take initiatives, to make decisions to take charge of their own system. It is a very difficult task and not so much because what the insurgents do but because we are constantly ambushed by a silent enemy. This silent enemy is quiet, effective, regenerative and most importantly undermined.

The Insurgents benefit from the effectiveness of this enemy but do not realize they also fall as victims of it. This silent enemy is lack of education. The Taliban takes advantage of this situation to exercise control over the masses (along with religious manipulation)
Many of the insurgents and Taliban members are affected by this lack of education and are convinced by the psychological manipulation of the few in control of the insurgency.

I do not understand why they cannot realize that they are inflicting a substantial suffering, death and destruction of opportunities to their own people. I know NATO and US are currently implementing training and education to generate an efficient Afghan National Army but to my personal point of view this are crisis managements to put out fires, and we keep going from crisis management to crisis management.

Is not so feasible to acquire a real move toward stability by training the Afghan adults because they lack of the foundations to get to the next level of independency, is like trying to teach calculus to an elementary 3rd grade student. The children can bring the difference if they receive the education required to tackle the current and forth coming technology, needed to solidify their country stability. Unfortunately very little has being done on that aspect which allows the silent enemy to regenerate.

The people of Afghanistan are very intelligent and great people. Some of their culture limits their progress, but those were customs and procedures they needed to learn and implement for their survival throughout all the years they’ve being in conflict.

We are trying to help, they want to be helped and want to learn, some others don’t want this people to progress to perpetuate their control and power.

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